This doc will show you how to install Edmo demo content on your site.
Go to your phpmyadmin and create a database.
Import the edmo.sql file
Now, you need to download the file and the download link is available inside the Links.txt file of the unzipped file. After downloading then upload the to your web server, and extract it.
You can also upload the demo_files folder to your web server using an FTP client, such as FileZilla (recommended).
After that, upload the theme file on demo_files/theme
Now, you need to download the file and the download link is available inside the Links.txt file of the unzipped file. After downloading then upload the archive to your web server, outside your webroot.
Your webserver has read-write permissions to the moodledata directory. Also, please visit to understand more details about the permissions.
Now you have to configure the config.php file.
file from the Moodle root on your web server.Once the Edmo demo installation is completed, you can now login to your new Edmo website with the following administrator credentials.
Go to {}/login/index.php to login directly.
PASSWORD: EdmoPass1@
After logging in, navigate directly to {}/admin/tool/replace/ via your web browser’s address bar and search and replace URL.
You need to perform a search within the whole database for the value:
and then replace it with your own site URL.
After logging in, navigate directly to {}/admin/purgecaches.php via your web browser’s address bar and click the ‘Purge all caches’ button.
This process may take several minutes.
Step 9. RTL Setup
If you want to use, RTL then installs RTL supported language from Site Administration->Language settings. And then, go to the following example link and update caches.
Add URL lang value as your language short form.
Your installation of Edmo is complete!
Please don’t forget to change the administrator password.