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How to work Membership with Edali – LearnPress?

How to work Membership with Edali – LearnPress?

Required Paid Membership Pro plugin. Download it for free on wordpress.org Install and activate the Paid Membership Pro plugin.

Setup membership pages

Before creating levels, you can Click the Pages Tab. (From the dashboard, go to Memberships > Settings and select Page Settings). Without setting these pages, the workflow and the function will not work properly.

Normally, you will have to create pages and assign them to the correct title. However, luckily Paid Memberships Pro can Generate these pages for you: Click button “let us Generate Pages For Me”. It will generate all needed pages for membership plans.

If you are charging for membership, you will need a Payment Gateway Click here to see payments settings

3. Create Membership Plans

Create membership plans.

  • Visit ‘Memberships > Membership Levels’. With first used customer, there is a notice to guide setup steps.
  • Click ‘Add New Level’/’Add a membership level to get started’ notice to create new level or choose any existed level that you want to modify.
  • Fill in the Name (For example, “Free”), Description or Confirmation message
  • Scroll down to ‘Courses Settings’
  • Assign the courses to be available for that membership level. A course can be assigned to different membership levels.
  • Also, in Billing Details, Initial Payment is the initial amount of money that user has to pay at registration. For Free plan, you can set the initial payment of $0
  • There’s a Recurring subscription option that if you check this option, you will open up many more complex pricing options like pay every month, day, etc, or even Trial payment with trial billing amount
  • In other settings, you can also disable the new sign-ups, or set an expiration date for the membership setting.
    It’s pretty flexible.
  • Since we are setting membership plans for courses, there’s no need to check the categories option. Just Save Level and add another level.

Setting Edali LearnPress Paid Membership Pro.

Go to LearnPress > Settings > Membership.

  1. Always buy the course through Membership: when enable will disable ‘Button buy course’, if untick will show both type button
  2. Update access courses: when enable will update list courses on LP Order lastest has status ‘Complete’ of each user when save level PMS on Memberships \ Settings \ Levels
  3. Run mode: have 3 mode to run when user buy level of membership
    + Auto: system will detect total courses on level, if > 10 will run Background mode else run Normal mode
    + Normal: run sequentially ( best for small data < 20 courses in level ), can error timeout if have big courses in level ( about > 50 ). Depending configuration on the server
    + Background: run cron job ( best for big data ), you should add code below to enable cron-job on file wp-config.php:

    define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, false);
    define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’, true);

    ini_set( ‘max_execution_time’, 300 );
    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’ );define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’, true); => will auto add ‘param doing_wp_cron’ to url, if you don’t want to show that you can set value is “false”, but some server can’t run cron-job
  • Finally, we will need to assign courses to membership plans: When you go to a course’s setting, reach through Course Memberships tab and select the corresponding membership levels

Setup page login following screenshot.