Edali – Theme Documentation

Integrate Zoom with Edali

Integrate Zoom with Edali

Step 1

1. First of all, you must connect to this website: marketplace.zoom.us to create A keycode of API and secret.

2. Then you click the Develop button, select the section “Build App”.

3. Click JWT and “Create”.

Step 2

1. On the next screen, you should see Information, App Credentials, Feature, and Activation menus.

2. Fill in your basic information about the App.

3. On the Credentials Page. Copy both the API key and API Secret after you have filled all the details in the information page.

Install Plugin Video Conferencing With Zoom

1. You go to Plugins in “Add New” of “Plugins” search and install “Video Conferencing with Zoom”.

2. After Install and active plugin zoom, copy these API key and API Secret and go into WordPress Zoom Meetings settings page.

Add new Meeting 

2. Fill in the blanks as required.

You can set a password if you like.

3. After that, click the “Update” button to Save.

4. To share the Zoom meeting to others You need to copy the code above, then paste it into the Edit Lesson section of the Course Edit.

Choose Learnpress  -> Courses -> choose 1 course -> in the curriculum click to edit Lesson.

Final Step :  

  1. Paste the Shortcode into the blank.

2. Click on “Update” to save it. Click Permalink for see output

3. This is the waiting screen for students who have already signed up for the course.

4. When it is time to start the course, the Host will Start a Meeting so that the students will join.

5. This is the interface in a Zoom Meeting room.

Note: We recommend using the Zoom App. In some cases because of the integration problem of Zoom with Browser so “Start via browser” will not work as expected.