Spet Gatsby

Installation On Local

Installation On Local

Before starting this please have a look at this requirements link and make sure, then go to the below.

If you decided to use the Static version of Spet then please jump to 2.

  1. Open the spet-gatsby-static/spet folder and open a terminal/bash/command on that folder and run these commands one by one
    1. npm install
    2. npm run develop
    3. Go to localhost:8000
    4. Done

Folder Structure

Strapi Version

1. Open the spet-gatsby-strapi/spet-api and update the config/plugin.js file as the cloudinary credentials.

2. Open the pgAdmin server & create a database name spet-api and restore the spet-api-data from the downloaded bundle.

3. Open the config/database.js and update your PostgreSQL credentials & database name.

4. Run the command npm install

5. Run the command npm run develop

6. Go To localhost:1337

7. Login by the credential Email: [email protected] Password: EnvyTheme1

8. Done

  • Now open the folder that is in that directory like spet-gatsby-strapi/spet and follow the like below by opening another command prompt in this folder.

Still confused? Don’t worry! Check the referenced installation and configuration Video Tutorial below

Here is Video Tutorial, we have done the exact same thing for other Strapi projects, just follow the concepts.